Lisa LaMantia
Sr. Vice President of Revv Aviation Flight Academy
Squadron Leader. Visionary. Mentor to Many.
Lisa LaMantia is Revv aviation’s Vice President of Flight Training. Lisa has 27+ years in the FBO industry. She holds a Private Pilot Certificate and serves as a Veterans Affairs School Certifying Official, PSI Testing Supervisor, Iowa Western CC Maintenance Advisory board member and Burke High School advisory board member.
Lisa served as CEO of Advanced Air, Inc., prior to joining the Revv family. She “wrote the book” on flight training when she authored Advanced Air’s Training Course Outline for 141 approval. Lisa grew up on the airfield as her father, Dan Smith, served as airport manager of the Council Bluffs Airport. Her first solo flight inspired a sense of freedom, confirming her career in aviation.
A fly girl at heart, a fun night out for Lisa is flying to a nearby airport, borrowing a courtesy car and dining out. Lisa loves all things that go fast: airplanes, boats, water skiing, snow skiing, dancing, volleyball, and even speed walking.